A good pocket knife will go a long way if you are out camping or hunting in the wilderness. You have decided to spend your free time in nature and that is great as it is an inexpensive and good method of recharging your batteries and preparing for the upcoming week. You need to find out what is the best EDC pocket knife for 2020.
Whether we are talking about camping, hunting or fishing, the truth is that you don’t need much apart from the basic equipment, food, and water. Still, an item that a lot of people seem to forget is a pocket knife, and it is the essential part of any outdoor-related activity. Why? Well, this item has many uses, and can be put in action for things such as cutting, slicing, stripping, striking, and even self-defense.
Luckily for you, the market is pretty big and it shouldn’t be that hard to find an adequate knife for your needs. Choosing the right knife is a process in which you should consider a few critical points including sharpness, the opening and closing system, as well as the material it is made out of.
You should know that a high price is not always a guarantee of proper quality, and that’s the reason you shouldn’t rush into buying the first knife you find. We did some research, reviewed a few offers, and made a top 5 list. Let’s take a look at the best EDC pocket knife options on the market.
Comparison Chart
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Best EDC Pocket Knife Reviews
Ganzo G704 EDC Pocket Knife
Simplicity makes things perfect, and this Ganzo product is an excellent example of that. Affordable, compact, and durable, it is an absolute gamechanger and the perfect choice if you are on a tight budget.
While the Ganzo brand may not be as well-known as CRKT or OFF-GRID Knives, it still makes high-quality products, and the G704 is an excellent example of such. It is made with a 440 stainless steel blade which will allow for heavy use, while the G10 composite grip allows for comfortable handling.
It is one of the most durable knives (at the relevant price range) and rates high at 58-60 on the Rockwell scale. It is able to sustain extreme conditions and high load pressure. Simple yet compact, the Ganzo G704 design is everything you need.
The length of the blade is 8.5 cm while the whole length is around 20 cm – just enough for any outdoor-related purpose whether we are talking about fish cleaning, rope cutting, or striking a Ferro rod to light some fire.
It has ambidextrous thumb studs and features an effective axis lock system so using this knife is going to be simple and safe. Last but not least, this knife will keep its sharpness for a long time, and even when it gets dull, resharpening it doesn’t require prior knowledge.
You can find our detailed review of the Ganzo G704 here.
Overall, we are looking at a high-quality product, that comes at an extremely affordable price, and is the perfect choice for any nature enthusiast or a regular person collecting good pocket knives.
CRKT Pillar II Large EDC Pocket Knife
Talking about a high-quality pocket knife that fits camping, hunting, and fishing purposes, while coming at a reasonable price, this CRKT product is something you should further investigate.
The CRKT company has been in the pocket knife industry for over a few decades and that is a good enough reason to put your trust in their products. This Pillar II knife is large enough to be a multi-purpose knife and still has a compact design to be fitted almost anywhere.
It comes in two different variations, one featuring a black handle and the other a SS handle. It features a high carbon satin blade and has a good edge to perform heavy slicing or cutting work. Along with the edge, it comes with a fine tip that will allow for any precise work to be done.
Unlike the Ganzo knife, this one features a quick-draw system, including flipper opening technology that will allow you to put it to use in a matter of few seconds. Along with that, the frame lock system ensures the safety of this knife. It comes with a comfortable G10 handle as well that allows for a non-slip grip. Maybe the most important thing is that you can lace it to your vest, keychains, or simply slip it in your pocket.
Designed by knife-enthusiast Jesper Voxnaes, any built-in defects or damage is covered by the lifetime warranty, and that is a huge plus. The blade length is around 7 cm while the whole length of this knife is around 17 cm, which is slightly shorter than the G704, but still good. A phenomenal product, that comes at a reasonable price, and acts as a long-term investment that is worth every dollar.
OFF-GRID Knives EDC Pocket Knife
A pocket knife should be seen as a long-term investment, as it will accompany you on the upcoming trips that will be a part of your adventures. The OFF-GRID Pocket Knife is built to last, and there is a reason why it is among the bestselling on the Amazon market.
Much like the previous product, this pocket knife is manufactured by a well-renowned pocket knife brand called OFF-GRID Knives – a name that is familiar to anyone who has been camping or hunting for a few years. While it does not include a lifetime warranty, the quality of this knife speaks for itself.
The AUS 8 semi-serrated Japanese blade is strong and sharp enough to perform any heavy-duty tasks. It has an excellent grade on the Rockwell scale and is able to endure through extreme conditions. The blade is sharp and precise, and the handle is made out of G10 composite, allowing for a comfortable and non-slip grip.
Just like the CRKT knife, this one includes a quick-draw feature and dual thumb studs, and can be opened with one hand, using the flipper lever method. Along with that, it features a strong frame lock system, that ensures the safety of this knife.
The blade is around 2.73 inches long while the full length is 6.4 inches – light and compact, it is perfect for on the road use. This Nano EDC Knife can easily be latched or thread through any vest or belt hole and slips in your pocket as well, so having it by your side at any point shouldn’t present a problem.
Kershaw Emerson 6030 CQC EDC Pocket Knife
If you are searching for a versatile pocket knife, look no further as the Kershaw Emerson 6030 is the right choice. Affordable and compact, it is the perfect knife for hunting, camping, and wilderness survival.
A part of the Kershaw Emerson series, this knife is an all-round survival tool that will allow you to take care of striking, cutting, slicing, and even hunting as it is compact and effective for any situation you find yourself in.
It comes in an olive color which may perfectly match the environment you are in. A stainless steel blade with a stonewashed finish, it has a sharp edge and a fine point that is good for handling heavy-duty and precise work. Maybe the most important feature is the fact that this knife is comfortable and simple to use as it includes an ergonomic G10 handle and a strong frame lock.
Talking about the quick draw, this knife has got it on point, and you can put it to use in less than a few seconds employing it through a wave-shaved opening feature or by clicking the thumb disk. It is somewhat bigger, with a total length of 21.5 cm with the blade accounting for 9 cm. Overall, it is a compact and effective knife for an affordable price.
WorthTrust EDC Pocket Knife
Finishing off with an extremely affordable knife that features a ball bearing open feature, the WorthTrust EDC is a great choice for anyone at a lower budget that still wants a sturdy knife.
As we mentioned above, good quality doesn’t always have to be high-priced. This one has an overall length of 8.4 inches with the blade being 3.5 inches. It is made of stainless steel which is very durable. Featuring an aluminum handle it is very comfortable to use, and it shouldn’t leave you with blisters after doing heavy-duty work. Adequate for cutting, striking, slicing, and self-defense, this lightweight knife perfectly slips into your pocket.
One of the most important things is the bearing ball draw that allows for one-hand opening and safe closing. Last but not least, this knife also includes a lifetime warranty for any material defects that may occur in your use. It is a fantastic product, that comes at an affordable price, and acts as a handy tool for any outdoor environment.
As you can see, there are more than a few high-quality knives that stand at low and mid-range prices, and are affordable for almost anyone. Our personal favorite is the CRKT Pillar II pocket knife as it is comfortable, features the quick draw, and is just the proper size for a pocket EDC knife.

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